Heinz Ringelberg oHG
Siemensstraße 5b
32699 Extertal
Phone: +49 (0) 5262 9957555
Phone: +49 (0) 5262 9957556
Fax: +49 (0) 5262 9955442
Please send all orders, deliveries and invoices from October 4th, 2022 to this address only.
The Heinz-Ringelberg company was founded in Kassel in 1963, and was
established as a General Partnership in 1988. The company continues in its
third generation under the managing directors Sascha Quambusch and Gunther Herwig.
Throughout our history we have successfully operated as commercial and
industrial representatives for suppliers of electrical installations and automotive parts.
Our prime objective as a service company is to be competent and reliable partners to our above
mentioned clients.